Tuesday 7 March 2017

Notices to Mariners Week 11 - Notices to Mariners for the Southern East Coast of the UK and across to France, Belgium and part of Holland

Permanent - two this week:

1. The Fairy West (west cardinal buoy in the Sandettie TSS) now has AIS;
2. Knob Gat/Barrow Deep - two reduced depths on the south edge of the Barrow Deep adjacent to the Barrow No 10. At 5.1 and 9.6 meters not likely to hinder us.

Temporary - a few:

1. Trinity House notifying that the North Hinder S TSS Buoy will be slightly moved on or about 1st June;
2. Long NtM from the Port of London regarding the 'Sail Royal Greenwich' 13th to 16th April. Fireworks, Tall ships etc. Exclusion zone (Image). See and download the pdf in the Temporary List at: http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com/page9.html;
3. Harwich Harbour - routine dredging started from 3rd March for 4 days;
4. River Crouch - Wallasea Jetty Turning Circle Buoys now permanently withdrawn;
5. Essex Estuaries SAC Benthic Grab Survey 2017 - details of the survey from today to 10th March.
6. Port of Wells dredging;
7. Port of Ramsgate - Filming 9th and 10th March at the Linkspan, including overnight and a simulated boat fire.
Read more at http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?474507-Notice-to-Mariners-Week-11#PyrIbabo59XlHvAh.99

Local NtMs compiled by and reproduced by kind permission of Roger Gaspar, author of Crossing the Thames Estuary

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